All proceeds go to the running of our non-profit, charitable ministry: to better provide food and accommodations for the people with no place to go
Mary's House came about as a miracle of God. It is the fruit of a promise God gave to Lee Anne, and a mandate to open up "a house for people with no place to go." This is the purpose of The Lambseekers Ministries Inc. a nonprofit, registered charitable incorporation with the Canada Revenue Agency (business no. 827782244 RR0001).
Neither a homeless shelter, nor a place for temporary housing, it is rather a place for the most hopeless of cases, of healing for the broken. It is a home for the spiritually homeless, a place of the spiritual works of mercy.
(e.g. priests going through crisis in their vocation or burnout, people experiencing trouble in their marriage, seeking freedom from addiction, people who don't know where else to turn...)

the nations
(Psalm 2:8)
Missionary News also follows a mandate to preach and teach the Gospel of love and forgiveness to the nations of the earth through an anointed worship leading/witness music ministry that is unlike any other.
They carry a special anointing of the Father's love and the life in the Holy Spirit, and have ministered to many priests and religious, as well as laypeople around Canada, US and the world.
They prayerfully discern each invitation.