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All proceeds go to the running of our non-profit, charitable ministry: to better provide food and accommodations for the people with no place to go


If You Want to Receive, Give!
Prayer Declaration
"Jesus came that I might have life, and have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) He desires me to prosper. (3 John 1:2) Hallelujah!"
He promises to prosper us financially as we put His kingdom first (Matt. 6:33)...
The Lambseekers Ministries, Inc. is a nonprofit, registered charitable incorporation with the Canada Revenue Agency, no. 827782244 RR0001. Ontario corporation no. 1886368. As such, it is licensed to give charitable tax receipts for donations over $20.00.
As we are not funded by government or the Church, we rely on God's blessing through His people.

Our benefactors are enrolled in our daily prayers.
God loves generous people! (2 Cor. 9:7)
Prayerfully consider giving today a one time gift, or becoming a monthly supporter.
Consider including The Lambseekers in your will or estate. Perhaps it could be gifts of "homes, buildings, lands" (Mark 10:30) for God's mission.
What is God asking you to do?

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